Play-More Assistance Program

The Mississauga Hockey League and its six member Associations, in partnership with our corporate partners Tim Hortons play-more-logoand Canlan Ice Sports (Oakville), are proud to offer the Play-More Program, a program that assists players unable to participate in hockey due to severe financial constraints.  The Program addresses the cost of playing hockey and enhancing player experiences.

Assistance from the Play-More program provides any eligible resident hockey player with the opportunity to play hockey at all competition levels.

As with every program, there are regulations, guidelines, program monitoring and qualifications to ensure that the program helps those in need. Hockey is one part of a player’s experience, education is another part. The Mississauga Hockey League plans to work with students and parents on this initiative to help monitor the player/student’s progress academically and on the ice. Positive feedback from both could result in renewal for the following season, providing the assistance conditions remain the same.

The Requirements:

  1. Player must be a Mississauga resident and prove residency based on the City of Mississauga Recreation and Parks criteria.
  2. The player cannot be currently registered with any hockey league.
  3. The MHL will decide what Association the player will be registered with.
  4. No releases will be granted once registered.
  5. Player must write a brief letter explaining why he/she wants to play hockey in the MHL.
  6. Player must provide a copy of his/her most recent school Report Card.
  7. Parent must write a brief letter explaining the need for Play-More assistance and provide some basic “proof of income” information.  (e.g. CRA Notice of Assessment)
  8. A “School Liason” volunteer may be appointed and assigned to the Player Assistance Committee. This person will provide guidance to the committee and the players on questions regarding the academic requirements of the program.

The Approval Process:

1. The names of the applicants will remain confidential. The MHL will review the applications and all attachements to determine extent of hardship assistance, if any.

2. Assistance can come in any or all of these categories:

  • Registration and Gate Replacement Fees Assistance (0 to 100%)
  • Equipment Assistance (0 to 100%)

The Monitoring Process:

1. Any player that receives a Gross Misconduct and Match Penalty may not be allowed to apply in future.

2. Any player that is requested to appear before the Discipline and Appeals Committee will not be allowed to apply in future.

3. Any player that receives a negative report from their school or has dropped out of school will not be allowed to apply in future.

The Recommendations:

A player may be considered to continue the program at any skill level the following season if:

  • A player receives a positive report from their school.
  • The player did not receive a Gross Misconduct penalty.
  • The player did not appear before the Discipline and Appeals Committee.
  • The hardship still exists. A letter from the parent attesting that conditions have not changed will be required. Should the parent falsify this statement, the player will be subject to immediate deregistration of the Play-More Program.

To view and download the Play-More Program Application Form click here.

Our Contact

Port Credit Memorial Arena
40 Stavebank Road
(905) 567-3492

  • Skating
  • Shooting
  • Puck Handling
  • Passing

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